
Липоводолинський ДНЗ (ясла-садок) "Берізка"
Липоводолинської селищної ради
Липоводолинського району
Сумської області


42500, Сумська область,
Липоводолинський район,
смт.Липова Долина,
вул. Полтавська,30


тел. +38(05452)51282

E-mail: ldberizka@gmail.com


Кiлькiсть переглядiв: 1880


  • money-m

    2018-02-14 18:05:25

    https://world-mining.net/586869340/. https://world-mining.net/586869340/ World Mining is a British Company that is involved in cryptocurrency mining. In October 2017 it was officially registered in the UK. World Mining has a solid experience of operation on the market. Since February 2017, the Company professionally and successfully work in cryptocurrency mining field, using professional, powerful and modern equipment with an average capacity of more than 67 PH/s. Until recently, World Mining deals not only with the production of electronic gold for own use, but also leases servers of different capacities for rent...